Customize Your Touring Seat (pg. 7 of 7)

Customize Your Touring Seat (pg. 7 of 7)
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You are almost there!  Go ahead and give yourself a pat on the back.  The difficult parts are all complete!

Now we’ll concentrate on reassembly.  You’ll smooth the seat as you rivet or attach the seat cover.  Take a little time, make sure both sides look the same and there are no wrinkles or unusual folds.


Rivet the front edge first.

As you work around, make sure the cover is centered and pulling smooth and tight. I use a temporary hold with rivets to get a good look before committing the rivets.

Step 7 – Install seat and test ride

Install the seat back on the bike and go for a ride. Make sure that the comfort is still there and test straddling and moving around on the seat. My test ride was wonderful. I am one happy camper.

The finished view from the top looks very similar to the stock Mustang Touring Seat. It’s difficult to see, but the change is wonderful. I especially like the narrower front area so my legs fall easily.

Here is the finished view from the side.

A huge shout out to Mustang Seats! What wonderful service and commitment to customers! That’s how to make happy customers for sure. As you know, I was jumping for joy with the comfort of the stock Mustang Touring seat. But with these fine-tuning fitments, I am in love with my bike again! The handling is back where I like it and my posture and stance while straddling is wonderful. Now get out and ride.

Now get out and ride!

Rod Taguchi

Customize Your Touring Seat
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